Local Fish Stores


Fish Herder
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Queensbury, NY
is there a place, i know there used to be. where members can create a list of local fish stores that can be easily accessed and ranked and reviewed. like for the untied states divide it up by states and regions. (some states are fairly large cities) for instance from i hail from new york. have a section of the new york section just for down state (mainly NYC and long island) then another section for upstate area were shops maybe more sparse. (like lake George Saratoga springs plattsburg Champlain) and another spot outter spots like the Buffalo area. since can be a difference of 8 to 10 hours for some.
but having a spot where we can exchange our favorite good local fish stores that is easy to get to like the fish descriptions.
this could save members from heart brakes (from bad fish stores) and give members or newbies an idea of the best of the best that is nearby them.
just a suggestion what do you think.
well you could get someone, to alphabetically arrange each post ..
If i have time later on this week I will go ahead and do it :good:
its not just alphabetically states need to me arranged as such and the whole list needs to updates some stores could be closed.
phone numbers and web sites should also be included and a way for members to rate the store.
That is where the problem lies with the current list. It needs to be updated and set up more like the Media Donors thread (as I mentioned on the threads Davo linked to). There are a couple issues with that though. First, since each store requires multiple lines to input and rate various things such as variety, quality & service, you really can't put all the stores in one post as is the case with Media Donors. Second issue would still be keeping it up to date when stores close or change management.

I don't have any knowledge of the UK so it would be almost impossible for me to update that one. That plus sorting through 17 or 18 pages of posts which could include duplicates but most certainly would include some that are no longer in business or have changed hands which could mean a terrible store is now a great one or the other way around. The problem with the US is that we are so spread out. There are only a handful of members in each area so we would almost be posting for our own use. In my 4 years here, I think I've only run across 4 or 5 other members within an hour's drive of me meaning that no one would really benefit from me posting fish stores around Charlotte, NC.

If anyone wants to tackle updating the threads (with a new thread of course since you can't edit the existing one), I will certainly get it reposted in place of the current ones. I think would best be accomplished via a Word document that could be pasted into a new thread. I would suggest that the initial thread would only have, in alphabetical order, the store, location and the post that references it such as Fintastics - Charlotte, NC - Post 23. That way anyone searching could look a the first post, find a store near them and then see that a review on Fintastics could be found in post 23 of the thread, saving the need to search through 17 pages as is currently the case in the UK. The thread could be closed and when someone posts a new store, they could simply PM a mod to add it to the first post in it's proper order.

Once again, anyone that feels ambitious please feel free to try to sort it out. We will defintely get it up there.
That is where the problem lies with the current list. It needs to be updated and set up more like the Media Donors thread (as I mentioned on the threads Davo linked to). There are a couple issues with that though. First, since each store requires multiple lines to input and rate various things such as variety, quality & service, you really can't put all the stores in one post as is the case with Media Donors. Second issue would still be keeping it up to date when stores close or change management.

I don't have any knowledge of the UK so it would be almost impossible for me to update that one. That plus sorting through 17 or 18 pages of posts which could include duplicates but most certainly would include some that are no longer in business or have changed hands which could mean a terrible store is now a great one or the other way around. The problem with the US is that we are so spread out. There are only a handful of members in each area so we would almost be posting for our own use. In my 4 years here, I think I've only run across 4 or 5 other members within an hour's drive of me meaning that no one would really benefit from me posting fish stores around Charlotte, NC.

If anyone wants to tackle updating the threads (with a new thread of course since you can't edit the existing one), I will certainly get it reposted in place of the current ones. I think would best be accomplished via a Word document that could be pasted into a new thread. I would suggest that the initial thread would only have, in alphabetical order, the store, location and the post that references it such as Fintastics - Charlotte, NC - Post 23. That way anyone searching could look a the first post, find a store near them and then see that a review on Fintastics could be found in post 23 of the thread, saving the need to search through 17 pages as is currently the case in the UK. The thread could be closed and when someone posts a new store, they could simply PM a mod to add it to the first post in it's proper order.

Once again, anyone that feels ambitious please feel free to try to sort it out. We will defintely get it up there.

I've started working on this, just thought I'd let everyone know so several people don't do it at the same time. I may take me a day or two, but I'll post the results in this section. -Dawn
If you can weed through all that mess in a day or 2, you are Wonder Woman.
If you can weed through all that mess in a day or 2, you are Wonder Woman.

You aren't kidding. I looked through it last night & my eyes crossed! It would be awesome if you could work on that, make sure to take plenty of breaks to rest your eyes!
Well, don't call me Wonder Woman yet. :lol: I'm just fortunate that I have a job where I have a lot of down time with bursts of activity, I'm a police/fire dispatcher and third shift is the slowest. I'm actually excited about doing this because it will help keep me awake. :hyper:

I'm starting with the US shops since I'm most familiar with them. Then I'll do Canada, and other countries, and last UK mostly because there are so many and I'm crap for geography. :nod:

I'm going to try to break the UK down to England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland; and then further to counties (they are called counties right? :blink: ) and then city. Similar to how I'm doing the US shops. In the third thread I'm going to do the rest of the countries since there are so few, thought I'd break them down to continent and then country.

I also thought it might be a good idea to post something in Tropical Discussion linking to the finished threads to have everyone review them. I thought either you could lock the threads I'm working on (provided they look okay of course) and put in the Tropical Discussion thread to PM the mods for any additions/updates. Or, if you guys don't want to be inundated with PM's, you could leave the indexes here for a couple of weeks, ask people to post their reviews in the Tropical discussion thread and I can update the info. After a week or two you could lock the threads and move the index, all you would have to do is clean up any extraneous posts that would invariably turn up on the index thread. Which ever way works best for you guys and hopefully all that made sense. :lol:
seriously wonder women.
is there any way we can make those states click able so the computer automatically goes to the state the user is looking at?
seriously wonder women.
is there any way we can make those states click able so the computer automatically goes to the state the user is looking at?

That's a little outside of my abilities. :lol: However, if you take a looksey here you'll see how I'm setting it up. I think it will be super easy to use as not only am I listing what post number stores can be found on in the first post, but I'm grouping all the stores in each state together in the posts. :good:

I think what you've done so far looks great. It would have been great if we could have gotten all the threads in alphabetical order. You've done that with the states you have but some states didn't have stores listed yet so you couldn't do anything. We can still work that out via cut & paste when someone wants to post a new state. I guess that really wouldn't be necessary since the post number is listed anyway.

Great Job!!!!!

I think what you've done so far looks great. It would have been great if we could have gotten all the threads in alphabetical order. You've done that with the states you have but some states didn't have stores listed yet so you couldn't do anything. We can still work that out via cut & paste when someone wants to post a new state. I guess that really wouldn't be necessary since the post number is listed anyway.

Great Job!!!!!

Thanks. I've finished what I can on it so far, I'm going to post a link in Trop Discussion asking people to review it and post any updates there and then I can edit them in. If you want to lock it (both the review page and the thread in trop discussion) in a week or two that should get a big number of new reviews and updates out of the way so the mods' PMs don't get blown up. :crazy: :lol:

It would have been great if we could have gotten all the threads in alphabetical order. You've done that with the states you have but some states didn't have stores listed yet so you couldn't do anything. We can still work that out via cut & paste when someone wants to post a new state. I guess that really wouldn't be necessary since the post number is listed anyway.

Yeah that bugs me too, that's just the perfectionist in me. :fun: For the states we already have, I'll just edit new ones in. If people add stores in states that weren't already on there, I guess they'll just have to go to the post number, either way it's still less confusing than it was. :good:
I saw your note in the other one not to post on it. If someone does, it's not a problem to clean it back up.

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