Local Fish Shops


Fish Herder
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Kent, England
Someone started a topic a while ago about LFS good and bad, would be nice to get try and build up a more detailed map of where is worth a visit. Went to my LFS today and thought you coral lovers might appreciate a few photos, taken with the owners consent of course.







Some lovely stuff in there, wish I knew what most of it was.
Last week 2 guys turned up on his doorstep from the Isle of Wight, they had caught the ferry across and driven to Kent just to buy stuff from him!
:drool: wow!! Is that in Kent? Where abouts? Not that far from me might do a trip!!
Smeed Dean Business Centre in Sittingbourne. It isn't a huge place but the dry goods he has are a good price and he deals in some second hand kit, topline skimmers etc, so if you want to buy a new piece of kit he does a part exchange system. As you can see the SPS and LPS are beautiful and he has frags and full colonies. His fish system has been changed but he will be stocking up next week.
I dont know how mnay cornish salties we have but theres an 'ok' shop called tri-mar aquaria. They were regional and national retailer of the year in 2009 and 2010, voted by practical fishkeeping readers I believe.

I say an 'ok' shop because the kind of advice you get really depends on which member of staff you talk to! there are only a couple of staff who I find give good, accurate advice.. the others just seem a bit, well clueless! They have a great marine section tho, and do gauranteed live arrival on mail order.

Advantage at this place is it is one guy, so he makes you a coffee and you have a chat. If he thinks you're better off buying something on the net or second hand off Flebay he will tell you so. He obviously makes most of his money from corals and figures if he is fair and gives good advice people will come back. He won't talk you into anything and always has full explanations. Always check out what he tells me and he is always spot on, I have often spoken to him about forum discussions pro's and cons and he always explains which he believes to be true and why, and can then normally give examples. It is very refreshing.
I want that bubbletip anemone..........Sittingbourne you say, Mmmmmmmmmm thats not THAT far.........

Seffie x
Kevs stock at the reef shack is amazing. Recommend it to anyone. I working 10 mins away from there on Thursday which means i will be popping in. Even though its worth the 1.30 - 2.00 hour drive from my house.

IIRC Thursday is the day he gets his shipment in for SPS. :drool: Hopefully it arrives before I go there.

Advantage at this place is it is one guy, so he makes you a coffee and you have a chat. If he thinks you're better off buying something on the net or second hand off Flebay he will tell you so. He obviously makes most of his money from corals and figures if he is fair and gives good advice people will come back. He won't talk you into anything and always has full explanations. Always check out what he tells me and he is always spot on, I have often spoken to him about forum discussions pro's and cons and he always explains which he believes to be true and why, and can then normally give examples. It is very refreshing.

As George said really. He doesn't really focus on dry stock. If you see his shop although its not big it is mainly corals tank with a few high level shelves for the dry stock.
I want that bubbletip anemone..........Sittingbourne you say, Mmmmmmmmmm thats not THAT far.........

Seffie x

You can't have that Seffie, that's his along with the resident clowns, it came from his home tank, he does sell the splits though if it splits I'll let you know.
Best organise a TFF day trip Woody, get yourself a minibus and you can pick up passengers on the way down.
One of my favorite FS is Pet Kingdom in San Diego, CA. They house extremely rare species, and their selection of reptiles is of equal magnitude. My first visit was in 2009, and a few of the employees had degrees within biology, and work at the San Diego Zoo :good: They test your skills/knowledge before anyone can personally care for their animals :yahoo:

Pet Kingdom in Las Vegas, NV has an awesome selection as well.
Yay the Isle of wight there is a local fish forum and there is people quite regularly mentioning that there getting the ferry to the mainland and going quite far up the country just to have a look.
Taunton Aquarium Center my lfs is fantastic! On a few other forums they are very well known and people travel some distance to go to them! The choice he has is fantastic. Mark who runs it def knows his stuff, puts up with my million questions. I was honest and said I prob won't buy equipment from you but get it second hand but I will buy my stck from you and he said thats fine. He will also match online prices like he did with my plumbing bits! I have also taken in my ro unit and refractometer and he checked them over, calibrated the refractomer for me too :D he said when I do decide what I want he can hold them for a few weeks until I am ready for them and can pretty much order what I need.
All round fantastic service. There apparently is also weston marine but have never been there but people love them there too! I am lucky to have a decent reliable shop 5 mins from me!

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