Local Fish Shop


Fish Fanatic
Mar 29, 2005
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I was wondering, being a beginner, I want to know whether I can trust my local fish shop. Whats the best way to tell that they know what they are talking about and actually care about the fish?
Always get a second opinion. On a forum like this you can get a third, and fourth, and fifth too. Me - I would never trust any fish store until the owner/manager/employee has proven himself to me over time. Of course, when I buy anything anywhere I tend to go in knowing more then the salesmen - buyer beware.
I'd say have a look at the general state of the tanks / fish - look at there general health etc; labeling of fish, what type of things they sell, e.g. v. small tanks for betta's; if they sell dyed fish, etc.
Then, I'd ask them some advice on a fish that you claim to be interested in keeping, but that you KNOW would be unsuitable for your set up - e.g. an oscar cichlid in a small tank with neon tetras, or keeping just one shoaling fish on its own, or whatever. And see what advice they give you. It might be better to avoid asking "controversial" questions, or ones where you might expect differences of opinion.
You could also ask more clear-cut things like how big something will grow, the temparature range it needs, etc, and check what they tell you against other information sources.
As annka5 says - the way I do it when i go to a new place is have a browse and see what the state of the tanks are like. Are there dead fish in tanks - does the water look clean and how does it smell.
If tanks are dirty with dead fish in then I wouldnt touch a fish from there with a barge pole.
As for what they are talking about well read up on a particular area and then go with specific questions that you know the answers to.
General appearance of the people and place is usually enough to be a good indicator
i usually to 4-5 stores depending on what i need.

some stores are better for filters while some have water conditionner cheap, some have some fish cheaper while others will have different fish cheaper.....

I usually never bother asking advice in a store, i get the info i need here ans then go shopping for what i want.

i walk in and walk out with my stuff, no questions asked.
I agree with annka5 but when it comes down to it you can't rely on your lfs to give you all the info there is to know; even if they appear good i would still advise you do lots of research(from various sites/books; more than 3) on whatever fish you are buying.
Great advice here. It's probably not wise to walk in expecting them to be scam artists... yet it's equally unwise to walk in offering them blind trust. Researching is the key.
also, ask how long the fish have been in. i personally try to avoid buying any fish that hasn't lived in the LFS for at least 2 weeks.

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