Fish Crazy
Hi all, i remember when buying some fish i saw a tiny little lobster a little while ago and just wondering if i can put one with my 8 platys and 1 molly?
Kind Regards, Thuggerz
Kind Regards, Thuggerz
Not unless you want to end up w/just a lobster. Lobsters (crayfish actually) are best suited for a species tank due to their enjoyment of munching on their fellow tankmates, although as with all tank dwellers, there are alway exceptions to the rule. So, it's a matter of whether or not you want to take that chance.
Not unless you want to end up w/just a lobster. Lobsters (crayfish actually) are best suited for a species tank due to their enjoyment of munching on their fellow tankmates, although as with all tank dwellers, there are alway exceptions to the rule. So, it's a matter of whether or not you want to take that chance.