Loachy's do the darndest things....


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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This morning I turn on the light to my tank and find one of my clown loaches stuck to the filter intake. head toward the top of the tank tail towards the gravel belly stuck to the filter.

Then I look a little closer. Yep he looked at me. Gills working. then I see he's not actually stuck and sure enough he swims away. These clowns are enough to give a fishkeeper a heart attack. But they sure are fun to watch.
I had an Iridescent shark for a short time that would play dead. I found him just laying on the bottom, didnt even seem to be breathing. So I dropped a food pellet on him. Didnt even flinch. Then all the sudden he jumped up swam around frantically to the other corner of the tank, and layed down again. He was so weird.
:lol: Yours sound like they are EXTRA mean to you in the stress dept. :lol:
freshmike said:
:lol: Yours sound like they are EXTRA mean to you in the stress dept. :lol:
yeah these two clowns do. I can't wait to see what they come up with once they're in the 54 with 2 more friends. I keep thinking I'm going to find one of them in the skimmer box of the 54 guess we'll wait and see.
freshmike said:
Don't think things like that.... :no:
Even if they were to get into the skimmer they wouldn't get too far.

but this pair does make me thing things like them hoping into the skimmer box. Since I've already found one of them in the bio wheel chamber of the tank they're in now. They swum upstream into the bio-wheel chamber. And the Yo-Yo loaches keep trying to swim into the powerhead nozzle.
I eventually had to make a mesh "barricade" (made from rustproof metal) to go beneath the spill return of my power filter to prevent the Yo-yos from jumping into the filter box. I lost one that way. Two times before I'd found missing Yo-yos hiding mischeivously in the filter box and "fished" them out; but this time it was too late. He was missing one morning and I couldn't find him. Stopped the filter and took the media out, and his body was trapped beneath my supplemental media cartridge. :byebye: Still don't know exactly how he died, as he couldn't have been missing any longer than overnight, and he should've been able to survive in the filter box until I found him. I don't know if he somehow managed to get crushed by the cartridge or what. After that, I resolved that no more Yo-yos were getting into the filter.

pendragon said:
I eventually had to make a mesh "barricade" (made from rustproof metal) to go beneath the spill return of my power filter to prevent the Yo-yos from jumping into the filter box. I lost one that way. Two times before I'd found missing Yo-yos hiding mischeivously in the filter box and "fished" them out; but this time it was too late. He was missing one morning and I couldn't find him. Stopped the filter and took the media out, and his body was trapped beneath my supplemental media cartridge. :byebye: Still don't know exactly how he died, as he couldn't have been missing any longer than overnight, and he should've been able to survive in the filter box until I found him. I don't know if he somehow managed to get crushed by the cartridge or what. After that, I resolved that no more Yo-yos were getting into the filter.

well in the tank that has Yo-yo's if one of them can swim against the stream produced by a fluval 304 then thats one hell of a fish.

I may thing about making a screen for the top of my skimmer box of my wet/dry on the 54 to keep the loaches out of that.
Ok not eh polka dotted ones are getting into the act. For days now I've been convinced there were only 2 left of the original 3. Even started taking apart rock formations to find the body. didn't find a thing couldn't find a shrivelved body on the floor anywhere. Tonight I go to feed the hordes and sure enough there are 3 polkadot's I was both relieved and pissed at the same time.....Guess now I know how my parents felt a few times.
New to this, but I have 2 loaches not sure what type, long and skinny they have decided to dig under the built in filter and heater, I have just got used to them and now the 2 clown loaches I have, decided to join them, along with playing dead and lying on their sides they now hide under the filter, I have a sand bottomed tank and they love digging in it, much to the annoyance of the long loaches who try and pack it all back in again, providing hours of amusement for my two children :lol:

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