Loachy is sick


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk
hi i noticed last night that loachy is looking on the thin side but acts normally i.e sucking around the tank glass and along the gravel but looks incredabley thin compared to the 1 i have in my coldwater tank. I'm just worried that he isnt getting enough food, as there isnt enough algae in the tank but he cleans up the food off the gravel that the other fish miss.

Should i get some food of his own? sinking algae waffers or tablets?

This is the loach who is in the tank which has a problem with.
i am confused is this a loach or a plec? what exactly is wrong with the tank? been to too many threads to remember.

semper fi
I think you should get some suppliments, Sinking algae wafers, or maybe sinking shrimp pellets for a treat. The other option I can see is (which I don't recomend) is to overfeed which would either leave more food for the Loach or encourage algae growth to provide more food, as you're already having trouble with this tank I would go with the suppliments.



...do Loaches eat algae?
should not compare coldwater fish to warm water fish. coldwater fish metabolism is slower due to colder temps. therefore they do not burn the fat like a warmer water fish. also grow slower and mature at a slower rate.

semper fi
my loach in my coldwater tank is huge and the loach in my tropical tank is suffering. at the moment the tank is going through treatment for some infestation that none of us can identify!!! but suddenly lost the weight in a matter of weeks, i've had them both since christmas.

I'm going out to buy some algae wafers or sinking tablets tomorrow, as shops are closed now
hey bigfish pm catfishcrazy he should know what to do he sure helped me out with my balas and my pleco he sure knows what he is talking about when it comes to bottom feeders. Sorry you have had so much trouble mabey someone can help you here. I dont want to hurt your feelings but I think a lot of your trouble is because of over feeding I have read a lot of your post and you seem to have a lot of fungus types of infection I feed my fish every 2 daysand I dont have any trouble with fungus or cotton wool or anything in that nature my trouble is with my city water and I know it is hard not to feed them but for the health of your fish it is best not to. please dont get mad at me that is the last thing I want. I am just trying to help you out some.
ok i bought some sinking tablets with algae in for my loachy and i dropped 1 in and he hasnt touched it. He's definately sick with something, could he have tapeworm? i havent seen him poo either lately he's been on the quiet side today just staying in one place and he's breathing is very slow and laboured and his mouth don't suck either.

I've put him in the qurantine tank now so i can keep a closer eye on him.

anyone good on this loaches? he's 5cms in length mainly brown with black spots down his back & spikey looking fins.
sounds like a tlkaing cat do any of the flakes that the other fish have make it to the bottom of the tank?its not a good diet to bottom feeders but if they eat any of them it would sugest what type of food they eat the different colour flakes represent different types of food red are meat sort of thing. not all of them eat alge. i agree that a pm to catfishcrazy would be a good idea. also check out catfish plannet and have a look around see if you can find it. look up talking cat it sounds a bit like one of those to me. good luck.
No it definately it is a loach, the LFS said that i could use it in a tropical aquarium, he had a name tag of 'Cooly Loach' and 'Sucking Loach'

He is in a tank with salt could this have something to do with it?

The 15 litre Quantine tank is saltless at the moment as i'm experimenting different factors, temp is at 25'C -26'C, Ammonnia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10mg/litres

Can't find any information on this loach
Please have a look in the Species index : Loaches

Sounds like a Weather/Dojo Loach. Find out which one it is and PM me!

Loaches are scaleless arne't they? If they are, maybe the medication you're using is upsetting him? Sometimes it affects them - it "burns" them. Put him in a quarantine tank while you're medicating the other tank and make sure you get rid of all medication before you put him back.
Unfortunely he died this morning!!!! it happened so quick he was fine when i left him before i went to bed and he was dead when i went to feed everyone. He hasn't eat since i don't when (appeared to be very thin) and he wouldn't take any of the algae sinking tablets, apart from that he was ok but i know that he didn't died of parasite problem because his skin was clear of them.

That is the IFS fault they said that he be suitable for a tropical tank with some salt in as i have livebearers.

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