Loachy Dance


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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I saw someone mention this in another thread.
Then today I saw some loaches at the store. And I'd never considered them before but I'm now considering them. But whats the loachy dance?
Not sure what the "Loachy dance" is but I know the clown loaches always seem to be extremely active when I have seen them. Perhaps that is what it refers to. From what I have heard, I don't think you will be disappointed if you decide add loaches to your tank. I would love to keep some of these but am afraid my tank is too small. I am going to settle for the smaller panda cories. But will definitely get some when I get a bigger tank someday.
they play follow the leader across the front of the tank and back again... up and down...

do it every now and again... if you do get them - get atleast 3 :) they are great...

we've split our 4 up at the moment and both pairs arnt as active... they will be reunited soon though
Clown's are the best fish i have ever kept. I have six 3-4 inch Clown's, they sleep together, eat together and play together. They definitely have their own personality's, one of mine loves playing around a certain plant, another plays with the Bala's. I would highly recommend them and they are very easy to keep.
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Well is thats it the 2 I bought today are dancing right now. They're kinda clumsy fish they tried laying down on top of my cory.
They are great fish, sleep all the time though. I only have 1 at the moment, he sleeps in a pot nearly 75% of the day along with my 2 dojos. Great fish. Loaches are the coolest.
Mine tend to be more active in the evening than the morning, They sleep under the filter most of the time.

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