How many, if any, clown loaches can be kept in a 55 gallon tank? They are supposed to grow to almost a foot long and also, it's said that it's better to buy a group of them because they are social.
Loaches are a very large family group of fish and some only grow to 4inchs and some to over a foot long, although i take you are talking about clown loaches, no?
Are you going to put any other fish in the tank and if so what and how many?
we've had 4 clowns in a 50 gal for about 18 months... they are now in a 100gal (with 3 more friends )
they are VERY slow growers but that dosn't bean they wont grow.
ours were 1.5 - 2" when we got them, 3 have grown about 3/4" in the time we've had them. one (called tiny) hasnt grown at all he get plenty of food and is perfectly healthy but hasnt grown.
My parents have a loach that they have had about 6 years now - hes about 6"
I'm not going to pass comment about what sized tank you need but you will have a very long time to make the descision