

New Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Chicago, IL
I had 3 clown loaches. One didn't make it much longer after I bought it. The two lived great for awhile until one got really thin and weak and finally died. I tried appitite stimulant and some medications just in case he had a parasite. Anyway, now I have one healthy clown loach. I know they should be in groups. Has any one tried keeping one of several different kind of loaches like a school? I read all over that one loach swims well with another loach and what not. So instead of buying 4 more clowns why can't I get 4 different loaches? If they all swim well together naturally won't the find comfort in schooling together even if there's none of the same kind?
I had 3 clown loaches. One didn't make it much longer after I bought it. The two lived great for awhile until one got really thin and weak and finally died. I tried appitite stimulant and some medications just in case he had a parasite. Anyway, now I have one healthy clown loach. I know they should be in groups. Has any one tried keeping one of several different kind of loaches like a school? I read all over that one loach swims well with another loach and what not. So instead of buying 4 more clowns why can't I get 4 different loaches? If they all swim well together naturally won't the find comfort in schooling together even if there's none of the same kind?

unfortunately no. theyll get along just fine, but they wont bond and develop the social hierarchy they need among their own species.
I had 3 clown loaches. One didn't make it much longer after I bought it. The two lived great for awhile until one got really thin and weak and finally died. I tried appitite stimulant and some medications just in case he had a parasite.
Just for future reference, what meds did you use? Use levamisole hydrochloride as soon as you see the loaches are skinny. Later than that will render the med useless and the condition beyond repair.

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