Fish Herder
I have never owned a loach before and am considering getting some for my new 55 gallon planted tank. I was also considering a synodontis but they chased me away in that forum because apparantly 55 gallons isn't big enough. It currently has 5 three spot gouramis and I will be getting a school of something probably rosy barbs. I had my eye on zebra loaches because I hear they stay smaller. Today I talked to the girl who does orders at the LFS and she said they have been unable to order any lately because they haven't been available. While I was there I noticed they had two small queen loaches, very cute. So I read on loaches.com (a great site) about them and they don't seem so convinced that they get very big, either. Is this true? So many times people assume something doesn't get big because it dies before it grows to full size. I just wondered if anyone here has one that is too big for a 55 gallon tank. Also, these two at the LFS were chasing each other away. Is two a bad number? I heard that they like groups so wasn't sure why they wouldn't like each other. I could also go for cories but those zebra loaches are just so cute with their longer bodies and cute stripes. The queens are cute, too.