Fish Crazy
Hello! Within the next couple of months, I will be rehousing my three-spot gourami in a 20-29 gallon tank (shooting for the 20 gallon, but will go with 29 gallons if need be). I will be receiving snails as algae-control for his current five gallon tank and will be manually removing them to keep the population in check. However, when I rehouse him, I want to keep other fish as snail control. I've heard that some species of loaches will happily feed on snails, so I was considering some of those (I also think they're cute and would be a nice addition). I'm not sure what kind I could safely put in such a tank, though. That's why I need your help. What kinds of loaches are effective at controlling snails that I can keep in 20-29 gallons with a three-spot gourami? Or should I not transfer the snails at all and just get a good algae-eating fish?