Loaches And Ich And Rot And They Look Awful


New Member
Mar 28, 2009
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I am heading out to get an antibiotic - the ich showed up Friday night and I have been doing the water changes, RidIch, temp is 86F, lights are out, carbon is out, and they seemed to be doing well through last night but when I came home today, their tails are rotting right in front of me. Threw in some Melafix a couple of hours ago and they are just getting worse. None of the other fish is affected, gouramis are even trying to build a bubble nest but with the water changes that is a lost cause. If you can think of anything more I can do for my babies, I have had them 8 years, let me know. Will check back when I get back from the shop.
Just got back and dosed them with Marcyn on top of all the other crap in the water. They were sitting up normally when I got home, but of course, the tails are in pretty bad shape. Found a powerhead I could just prop up in the tank to provide more agitation, can't hurt. I see that they never touched their supper when they usually have tug o' wars over it.
sorry to hear about your loaches i cant really offer any other advice apart from what you are doing, keep us posted.
I got home just now and two of them look a lot better than they did this morning. I think they will make it. The third might just pull through. He sat in my hand (they all do that) for a few minutes over where the air is better in the tank then swam off to his favorite corner on the other end. I might drop an oxygen tab over there. Need to call Wally's to see if they have them. PetSmart and PetCo don't appear to from looking at their websites.
Well, just lost one. They've been together for 8 years and the bigger one was really fussing over and nuzzling the one who passed. The remaining ones seem really confused. I moved them to the hospital tank where they have no distractions. Will start cleaning up the main tank. Maybe the biofilter isn't totally trashed. Will continue to treat it for ich even though the others weren't showing any signs. I hate losing my wet babies. Hope the move to the other tank doesn't make things worse.

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