I'll second that. You really should just avoid the Chinese Alage Eater altogether, if possible. But if you already have one, that's not an option. Personally, I'd take it back, if there was a reasonable way to do so. In time, it will likely cause you problems and antagonize, maim, and/or kill other fish. Not a nice tankmate when it gets a little older. It's not wise to put them with corys.
For the sake of being thorough, I'd like to point out that the Chinese Algae Eater is not a loach at all, although occaisionally some pet stores will label them as 'Golden loaches' or 'Chinese loaches'. This is particularly confusing because one species of the dojo loach is sometimes also sold as a "Golden loach", but it is a very uncommon fish, in my experience.
I tend not to have high opinions of pet stores who can't - or are too lazy to - tell the difference between a loach and a CAE. It doesn't speak highly of their fish knowledge. They are generally the same stores who give bad advice and sell unwise selections of fish to uneducated customers without blinking.
Edit: Also, you said:
because my loach (chinese........) isn't doin anything and catfishes i think are better than them...
I'm not sure what you mean by "corys are better". If you mean for you to enjoy, okay. But if you mean in terms of eating algae, then no, because corys don't eat algae (and the CAE does - but there are other, more tankmate-friendly algae-eaters out there). Corys will scavenge food from the bottom. You need to feed them like you do your other fish.