Loach Trouble


New Member
Aug 15, 2006
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I was just wondering if chain loaches and sucking loaches are compatibil as my sucking loach is being bullied(noticed its tail fin had been nipped) and chain loaches have attitude :lol:. I also have kuhli loaches, a zebra danio (bought two but one killed the other didn't bother buying more as it seems right at home in the school of neons) anyway I also have some neons and black neons.

Note: sucking loaches can be agressive towards neons but this one spent a months quarantien with some neons and dosidn't pay much attention to them infact it seemed quite scared

"Sucking loach" could mean any number of things, including some catfish that aren't even loaches at all. Do you know what it is? Most loaches that have a "sucking" type mouth would not bother neons so I'm not really sure what to tell you.

Check out some pictures online to see what it is you actually have, or post a picture of your fish for an ID.
yeha sorry about the lack of classification.

this looks similar to the one I have (my camera is broken so I couldn't take a picture my self)
you should always be a bit careful about fish that have 'sucking' mouthparts eg plecs etc. they sometimes attach themselves to the sides of fish. trust me, it isnt a pretty sight.
If it is indeed a chinese algae eater it is not really a loach at all and I don't know why they call them that sometimes. You wouldn't be the first one to be caught unaware of how large and aggressive they end up getting. It is unfortunate that pet stores don't give better information on what they are selling.

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