Loach Selection

Vengeful Silence

New Member
Jun 25, 2009
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I have a 100 gallon tank that is going to house severum and variuos rainbowfish. I'm looking for the best choice for a group of loaches. I currently have the choices narrowed down to the YoYo Loach (botia almorhae) and Queen Loach (botia dario). I am looking for the type of fish that will be most active during the day, as I understand some loach species tend to be more nocturnal.

Does anyone have any reasoning, other than appearance, why one species is a better choice than the other? Thank you in advance for your help.
both would be fine as would B.Kubotai, (Angelicus Loach)
When kept in a group they will be active night and day :good:
I'm not very familiar with cichlids, such as severum, but B. dario, B. almorhae, B. kubotai, and B. striata are basically the same in terms of behavior and size.
btw I keep my Sev with 3 Clown Loach, and a rescued Yoyo and Kubotai, All get on great.
Severums are large but placid cichlids so will usually get on fine with most species
Thank you so much for the replies. B. Kubotai is actually a readily available fish to me, so I'm glad to hear they are an option as well.

At the same time, I'm disappointed to hear that they all pretty much behave the same. I was hoping there would be some factor that would make the decision for me. Now I have to try to pick my favorite. God help me. lol Thank you again for the information.

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