Llj's 8G... Yuma/zoanthid Garden

Things are comin along nicely for ya. your posts are always informative. :good:

I might just have to setup a pico for a mantis that way everyone can say oohhh ahhh and stop talking about it. :p
I'd love one but I've ran out of room for tanks lol :crazy:
someones been busy! one thing i would suggest is an auto top up on the 8G if you are using the MH, it will really knock your evaporation up! Salt swings could be pretty steep on just 8G of water.
someones been busy! one thing i would suggest is an auto top up on the 8G if you are using the MH, it will really knock your evaporation up! Salt swings could be pretty steep on just 8G of water.

Yes, I have to look into that, especially with that fantabulous MH. I've not neglected the 36g either, that tank just needs more LR, so I'll be ordering online for that one.

So, a question for the salty peeps, if this were your 8g, what would you put in it?

I have my ideas, but I was curious... I was so limited before and now I really can put some nice things in there.

I'd go for sps corals with a goby shrimp pair

And the 2.5g I'd go for azoox tank with sexy shrimp and pom pom crabs or mantis instead

That's what I'd do

You are obsessed with mantis shrimp, Bae, or wa it Andy who was obsessed, one of you is obsessed. I love mantis shrimp, but I don't know... I'll think about it.

Wasn't me but I did suggest it to you for the 8g not sure 2.5g is big enough for a mantis imo
You are obsessed with mantis shrimp, Bae, or wa it Andy who was obsessed, one of you is obsessed. I love mantis shrimp, but I don't know... I'll think about it.

Wasn't me but I did suggest it to you for the 8g not sure 2.5g is big enough for a mantis imo

Yes you did suggest one for the 8g, but with the MH, I think the 8g's real estate is better suited for other things. There are some smaller species of mantis shrimp, but I think I see my tanks going in different directions. Again the likelihood of one appearing in my 36g LR is pretty good. They're quite common in South FL. I'd be surprised if I didn't get a mantis as a hitch hiker.

So what would you put in the 8g with that type of lighting, Andy?

All filled up and waiting for LR

ph: between 8.2 and 8.4, I'm a wee bit rusty with water tests. Hahaha, haven't used them since I started planted tanks.


For now, I'm using a Rio 50+ with a Koralia nano, but... I'll be constructing a refugium out of this aquaclear 50.


Stay tuned for the LR tomorrow, I've got 10g of aging saltwater ready for the cleaning of the LR and possible rinsing of the sand, just incase.

Some video...


For the 8g
SPS Garden - tons of flow, the gaudiest SPS around (ORA, Tyree, stuff you find, etc), and two or three little damsels (they naturally school in SPS in the wild and come in just as many eye searing colors as SPS). Just hardcore SPS, especially with the light. PomPom wouldn't be a bad idea in an SPS tank, either. Fun little guys.

For the 2.5g
NPS tank with the goby/shrimp pair. They don't need much space, plus they can be a bit messy which is a plus for NPS. Sun coral (need to be shaded, even with that LED), Chilis, Gorgonians, etc. Would be a real nice little tank.
So many choices! All neat things to contemplate whilez I watch ma pet rocks.

I'll come up with CUC & stocking lists in the next few weeks.

This looks ace. I like tehse small tanks you do. Im not on here much now so I hope the next time I visit its all up and running properly

This looks ace. I like tehse small tanks you do. Im not on here much now so I hope the next time I visit its all up and running properly


Hi Simonas! Glad you were able to pay us a visit.

Time to add the LR...

With a pH of 8.3? LOL... and an sg of 1.026, I figured I was ready to add my LR. I opted to go to my favorite LFS. They did not disappoint. Cured LR sitting in the holding tank just waiting for me. Cost less than to buy uncured from a website and pay for shipping. Man, I love Miami. Tbh, will just do the 36g that way too. Then, I can pick my LR and pick exactly what I want for scaping.

Positioning was not a particular challenge. I opted to place the rock first and then surround and anchor it with sand. I didn't want to take the chance of a burrowing animal disturbing rock placed over sand and injuring itself where I couldn't reach it.

This is what I ended up with.


There is room to add coral with its rock as I go along, and I've got room on the substrate to lay some coral down and acclimate them if my lighting is too bright. There are exposed parts and a pretty flat plane for perching corals. The tall peak will be perfect to mount a montipora should I go that route. I can create bright spots and shady spots. Some nice coraline growth in these rocks too.

Then I had to add the sand. This was not so easy and as slow as I went, the tank was just getting very cloudy, no matter what I did. :lol: I'll have to figure out a way to make this process better for the 36g, and I've got some ideas, but I had already improved by the time I did the 2.5g and that tank is much clearer. Remember, I may have done a load of reading, but this is the first time that I've put any of this to practice. I worked a long day today at church and spent way too much time with relatives, so by the time I got home, I was very tired and just wanted the process done. I ran out of steam. It'll clear up soon (I hope). It's already better from when I took this picture.


Now, I wait and test my water. Run the powerheads when the water clears a bit more (not certain it's condusive to run the powerheads when the sand's still settling) and begin work on modifying the Aquaclear 50 for the refugium. I'm excited, I didn't have high hopes for this process, but I was very happy with the LR from the lfs.

With regards to the Sand I find wetting it in the bag then scoop a jug full of sand slowly lower it into the water then pour it out onto the bottom

( it seems to work for me )

But the scape looks good :good:
With regards to the Sand I find wetting it in the bag then scoop a jug full of sand slowly lower it into the water then pour it out onto the bottom

( it seems to work for me )

But the scape looks good :good:

It's livesand, so it's already wet. :) It cleared up a lot last night. Snapped a couple of pictures this morning.


left side

right side

detail of the center with the hole. Gotta get a fish to swim through the hole.


Now for the nitty-gritty...

Day 1 stats

Will opt to test at roughly the same time everyday. I like continuity and it's easy to make this routine, especially since I'll have to be up early for work starting next week.

pH - 7.8 (A bit low :/ )
sg - 1.026 (good)
Amm - 0ppm

I'm wondering if the lower pH isn't from me mucking around in there and wreaking havoc yesterday. pH was at 8.3 before, so we'll see. Maybe the sand and rocks need time to sort things out. This is why we do things slow. :) Thanks for looking.

I got another package today (thanks Monochrome5)

This is an LED fixture for my Aquaclear refugium build.


Not much light in the 8g, but I think it'll serve the confined space of the refugium very well.


Thanks for looking.


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