Lljdma06's 10g


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Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 10, 2005
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Miami, FL

It's been a long time since I updated or started a journal. I had set up this 10g previously with CO2 and different plants last year and things were going well until I started the Spring term at the university where I teach. Huge teaching load plus some opera roles and professional gigs. I removed the CO2 in December of last year, and because of the demands from my job, I swapped out demanding species for tougher ones. Then I just left things alone. I went without water changes for months (only top-offs) and let the frogbit overun the tank, it's roots extended down into the substrate. Surprisingly the fish were fine, but this tank was never heavily stocked, only the dwarf catfish. Of course, I had algae, mostly hair algae, and some spot algae on the glass, but it wasn't a complete disaster like I thought it would be. Mainly the roots of the frogbit were an eyesore and the surface leaves of the frogbit shut out light from the aponogetons. The anubias did well under the circumstances and had no algae. I started cleaning things up this past May by just doing large water changes and removing frogbit. I have ended up with this.

Tank: 10g 20"x10"x12" with a glass cover.

Lighting: 28W T5 Fixture, giving me about 2.8WPG. May seem high, but it really isn't.

Substrate: thin layer of laterite mixed with small grain gravel, or just a thin layer of laterite, topped with a thicker layer of sand. I'd like to have bare stretches of substrate

Filtration: 3 HOB filters

Fertilisation: None

CO2: None

Hardscape: Wood, including some nice ADA blackwood from my dismantled 2.5g.

Plants: Aponogeton species, E. tennelus, anubias, one or two tiny frogbit plants. I also have several pothos cuttings which are developing roots. You can't see since the photo was taken at night, but there is a small crown of pothos leaves obscuring the filters.

Livestock: Corydoras habrosus, Corydoras pygmaeus, and some dwarf platies that were in my 20g for color. I prefered an all-corydora tank, but mother wanted color. I'll be adding some more habrosus to even things out.

Thanks for reading, look forward to hearing your comments. This is a much simpler tank to maintain , especially with my busy schedule. I don't think it looks too bad. Similar things happened with my other two aquariums.


llj :)
I seccond that, realy nice... stands out alot, like it :)

Good job :good:

Thanks, I like that I don't have to do much with it and the pothos give it a kind of "mangrove" feel to it. Planted tanks shouldn't be hard, they should be fun. The moment it gets overly frustrating, you have to step back and figure out how you can simplify things. I like to spend the majority of my "tank" time looking at my tank, not maintaining it.

The catfish come in on Tuesday. Can't wait, they'll add a lot.

looks great, why 3 hob filters?

Because I already had them from other old tanks that were dismantled, so it was the cheap solution to filtration, rather than go buy a new filter for this tank. I like a lot of filtration, and I don't like internal filters. They take up too much space that would be better for plants or swimming. I always will have more than 1 filter in a tank, as there is better circulation. It is also great for growing media, since now all I need to do to seed a new tank is grab one sponge from one of these filters. I don't bother cycling aquariums anymore. Between the plants and the extra media that I have, cycling isn't necessary. Each HOB has three sponges, so by removing one sponge, I don't remove the entire bacteria population for each filter, only a portion. I will rarely change the media, only if the sponge is about to fall appart, which happens once every few years or so. I just rinse it in tank water.

My order of C. habrosus came today. :yahoo: One is a bit off, but he's still moving around the tank, so we'll see. A really tiny male, about half an inch or so. I'll post pictures when they are settled. They are a good foil to the dwarf platies. Did a water change yesterday.

hehe congrats on your arrival xD

nice tank! ;love the greenery and the orangeness of the fish xD
Well the tank looks fantastic!

Thank you. The evil little voice in my head says to try an HC carpet, :devil: but I think my corydoras would prefer the sand substrate, and I'd like to let the E. tennelus spread on its own. It will look better to me and serve the fish better.

loveley little set up, and if it suits your lifestyle then thats even better. :good:

I cant imaging leaving my tank for 5 minutes without a catastrophe waiting in the wings :crazy:

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