Lizzie's ill


Aug 29, 2004
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I'm worried about Lizzie, my collomesus puffer, I came home last night and she's drifting around, belly up. She's still moving her fins and she managed to eat an upside down bloodworm... Last night she looked very bloated (i don't think she was puffed though) and had a 'bump' in her side. I figured she might be constipated, so I've put her in the breeding box, inside the main tank, to isolate her so the other fish won't bother her and I'm not feeding her. Is this the right thing to do??

This morning she's looking a lot better, she's upright and at the bottom of the box. She looks like she's still having trouble balancing, but not as much trouble as last night. Am I doing the right thing by not feeding her until whatever strange thing she's eaten has passed through her?
Oh no! I'm really sorry she didn't make it. :(

Is it possible she might have puffed in some air? That can cause serious problems for puffers.
yeah it's a possiblility... I don't know though :-( I just did a water test and everythings fine, so it's not that... all the other fish seem fine too - including Philip (the other puffer).

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