Livestock for 60 litre tank


May 9, 2023
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Perth, Australia
When the future Lake Inle biotope is built on the 130 litre tank, I might do a 60 litre tank of small nano fish. What are some livestock would you recommend to me? Which tank of that size (60 litres) would you choose for me?
When the future Lake Inle biotope is built on the 130 litre tank, I might do a 60 litre tank of small nano fish. What are some livestock would you recommend to me? Which tank of that size (60 litres) would you choose for me?
Endlers or neons , pygmy cories and some shrimp 🦐 maybe couple Nerite snails as well.. Guess many would find that boring... I don't
To pick up on a couple points...a 60 Liter is 15 gallons, just so we all know. Cories must have soft sand for the substrate. And the fish species will depend upon the water parameters, especially GH. Nano fish are more sensitive than soe larger species, they have an increased metabolism and water issues like temperature can affect these seriously. Floating plants needed to dim the overhead light.

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