Livebearers Eating The Bristlenoses' Food


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
Reaction score
Southampton, uk
I've tried all the common tricks- feed simultaneously at two ends of the tanks, use catfish tablets, put them near their cave, feed at night. Whatever I do, the bristlenoses take ages to react, which gives the livebearers - platies and portholes- time to clean up their portion and then eat the disintegrating tablets too. The livebearers wake up and gather round expectantly as soon as I approach the tank night or day, yesterday again I caught them having a midnight feast and the bristlenoses did nothing. Unfortunately, it is a new tank with no algae for the bristlies to feed on. I have tried cucumber, but bristlies won't touch it. Anyone got any suggestions?
How long is it after you turn the lights off and then feed? Leave the tank lights off for an hour or longer so that everything can settle down and then with using as little light as possible pop in the food.
Put a small rock over the tabs, big enough that the platys & such can't move it, but small enough for the plec to shove out of the way. Try zuccini or some other squash, my plecs prefer that over cucumber.
Try growing algae on a smooth large rock in a glass bowl on the window sill or something- put the rock in the tank when it is covered in algae and let your plecs feast on it, the livebearers will only take minimal interest in the algae at the most, they are not really equipped to eat it in decent quantites and will give your BN's plenty of time to chow it down. I often move my tank ornements around from tank to tank, and often use this method of growing algae on a particular object for my oto's or plecs to feed on as a treat :good: .

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