Livebearers and Angels?


Fish Addict
Mar 1, 2005
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Just like the topic says. I have guppys, platies, mollys and neons. Would these fish be compatible with angels? About 3 angels im thinking.
Thanks :rolleyes:
I have never seen my angel attack any of the other fish but when I had three they attacked each other.
I think the Livebearers should be fine with Angels. The Angels may eat the fry from the Livebearers though...

As for the Neon Tetras...I doubt it will work. Neons are the Angel's food in the wild. There is a chance they will be fine, depending on if they were raised with Tetras, or if you get them young enough so the CAN be raised with Tetras. It's chancey.
Neon Tetras are also fin-nippers, and Angels are easy targets. Then, when the Angels get big enough, they sometimes have a tendency to eat the Tetras.
Hmmm all very good points you guys make :) The angels Im looking to get are very small. They are actually the smallest Ive ever seen. I think they are pretty young. Maybe if I were to just get three of them? They are oh so pretty! :wub:
I could always move the neons to my other tank if there were problems... :fun: It just a thought of mine. I may not even end up getting the angels, I Just wanted to be informed.
OK,here is the my advice........
From somebody who had very fancy guppies along with angels......It's not such a good idea,and here's why:At first the cichlids will make you think they are all harmless but,just wait until they start growing.The problem is not with the mollies or plattys,but with nice finned male gups,they will bite their tails and eventually killed them.
And about those neons,angels won't attack them if the tetras have enough space and the angels are introduce to these neons as babies,then they will only see them as tank mates......Well,unless you forget to feed them for a day or two and anything becomes food for your much bigger and aggresive cichlids.

Oh yeah,and forget about having livebearer babies swimming around anymore,your "angelical" angels will take care of them..
If you want angels you need to put the guppies and neons in another tank. Especially the neons because they are the natural prey of angels. The mollies and platies will be fine with the angels.
Ok so its really the guppies that are the problem than... :crazy: I only have 2 male guppies and they are really pretty... I could put them in the other tank but I really like them. I have 4 neons and they seem to keep to themselves.
What about if I have alot of hiding places for the fry/guppies and neons? Do you think they will be ok with the angels than?
What if I only get 2 angels?
Thanks :fun:
Mariah, i tell you from the experience i have, currently at this moment i have three angels in a tank full of livebearers and Neons and they are just fine, however the angels have been nipped a few times by mistake by my swordies mistaking their flowing fins for flakes...

If you worried about your guppy males, lets put it this way, i know that the guppy males will attract the attention of yours angels if you get them, however depending on how invokative your guppies are will depend if the angels will leave them alone, if you worried that is because of the large finnage, i have a hi-fin swordie male and my angels dont pay any attention to him and he has a HUGE hi-fin and is always speeding across infront of them chasing my females...

If your males are bright what i would suggest is a try out, buy your angels BUT retain your receipt and make sure you are elegable to return fish, then see if the angels pay any attention to your guppy males, keep a net handy for safety reasons, if your angels dont like them, simply take them back to the store you bought them from, if they do not take a blind bit of notice, then there you have it...

In the end, experiments tend to give the best results... But remember not every fish is the same, so they dont all act the same either

Zenn - Well I guess your post settles it than! I will defentally be getting acouple of angels :* I will ask the lfs if I can return them if they dont work out but I have a suspision that they will work out! Im really hoping they will work out. Ever since I got my fish tank Ive wanted angels and just never got around to getting them because eveyone was telling me not too... Im just going to take my chance and do it! I will never know unless I try right? :D
Also can they eat the normal fish flakes or do they need a special diet?
And what about if I have lots of plants (real) for the others to hide in? Like right now I have green crombia, water sprite and other type but Im not sure what its called. Thoese are planted in addition to having lots of water sprite floating on the top of the tank.
Thanks! :fun:

PS - Your angels are beautifull :wub:

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