Livebearer gallery, sociable event for eveyone!

Mar 17, 2005
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Me and Annastasia have been chatting recently about a little idea and we were wondering your opinions on it, anyways, here goes;

A little while back me and Annastasia tried to do a livebearer color variation gallery with pictures but we encountered so many issues trying to borrow livebearer pics off other sites that we eventually gave the idea up.

Well, we have been chatting recently about the thing and we have decided that it would be much nicer if we could do a sort of livebearer gallery sociable event, we pick a particular livebearer and people post in their pictures of that partcular livebearers color variation and the best or most accurate pictures are selected(perhaps in a poll?) and posted up on the livebearer color variation index thread(hopefully in the pinned articles/topics).

You don't have to have home bred the livebearer, you could have just bought it, although it is preferable you have owned the livebearer for at least a couple of weeks and it is important the livebearer is in good health and mature enough as so to show its proper adult colors.

I would like to know you opinions on this idea and any comments/advice is much appreiciate, regards

Tokis-Phoenix and Annastasia :) .

EDIT: depending on the discussion that takes place here the serious livebearer selection pics thread will be posted for everyone to post their livebearers pics- once the livebearers have been selected we will arrange to have them posted in the pinned articles/topics gallery :) .
Oh, and i'd just like to add that crossbreed livebearer colorations could be acceptable as well as long as you know for sure the genetics/exact parents and their colors of your crossbred livebearer for sure and no doubts :) .
Just to summarize...Toxis made this thread for your ideas and opinions on this. There will be another thread where you can post your Livebearer pictures, and once we have enough, we'll start the gallery, where they will be by type of fish. Then the color they are, then the picture(s). :)

Sound good? It should help people if they ever want to identify their new Platy, or if they want to get ideas on some colorations there are.

Edit: Okay, Toxis just posted the same thing, so you can now ignore this. :p
Tokis-Phoenix said:
Oh, and i'd just like to add that crossbreed livebearer colorations could be acceptable as well as long as you know for sure the genetics/exact parents and their colors of your crossbred livebearer for sure and no doubts :) .

sounds good to me
Sounds like a good idea :nod: , but I have trouble posting pictures :( , maybe you could explain how when you start the gallery :flowers: it would be very useful to some of the new forum members, (I say hoping that I'm not the only one who can't post pics :*) ). Looking forward to the gallery. :D
Okay, since there seems to be support for it, I'll post the picture thread in the morning. :) The gallery is going to be a totally different thread, so people don't have to wade through all the posts to find pictures. It will just be one or two posts, with all the common Livebearers and their colorations. Hopefully it will be easy for people to navigate.

Ddraig, the easiest way to post pictures on here is to use You just sign up, and you'll get a free account. Once you have that account, you can upload all of your pictures on there. Then, under the picture you want to post, there will be three tags. You can either just copy and paste the IMG on into the reply box, or copy the URL, click the IMG button on here, and then paste it in there. :)

If you need any more help, feel free to PM me. Or of course, post here. :thumbs:
Annastasia said:
Ddraig, the easiest way to post pictures on here is to use You just sign up, and you'll get a free account. Once you have that account, you can upload all of your pictures on there. Then, under the picture you want to post, there will be three tags. You can either just copy and paste the IMG on into the reply box, or copy the URL, click the IMG button on here, and then paste it in there. :)

Thanks for that, I'll set up an account this afternoon. :thumbs:
Okay, great. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's fish! If you have any troubles, just tell me.

By the way, the picture thread is up. :thumbs:

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