live tubiflex... and problems?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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I still cant find live bloodworms or tubiflex, but when I asked about the tubiflex they said that they can create problems that are associated with them.

What are these problems or risks?

and why cant I find live anywhere around me???
Tubiflex worms are collected in dirty and murky water which fish can't inhabit due to poor conditions. The tubilex worms that live there are exposed to many toxins and other stuff dangerous to fish. Although you can was them, there is still a high chance your fish will get sick eaten them. They also cause fish to have slimy excretions. For this reason, many stores don't sell them.

Bloodworms on the other hand can easily be obtained if you ask the store to order some in.
Doggfather said:
Tubiflex worms are collected in dirty and murky water which fish can't inhabit due to poor conditions. The tubilex worms that live there are exposed to many toxins and other stuff dangerous to fish. Although you can was them, there is still a high chance your fish will get sick eaten them. They also cause fish to have slimy excretions. For this reason, many stores don't sell them.

Bloodworms on the other hand can easily be obtained if you ask the store to order some in.
hmm, thats kinda gross, do the frozen tubiflex worms have this problem as well, or are they safe? cause apparently my khuli's are partial to them. but also really like the frozen bloodworms (only food other then flake and sinking pelets they ahve had)

Will live blood worms live in the water for very long? or cause any harm to the fish?
Frozen foods are generally much safer than their live counterparts. All live foods that you do not culture yourself have the risk of bringing patogens to your fish, though most fish supply shops sell good live foods. The frozen varities are safe because the freezing process kills any pathogens that may be carried. Also they are often fortified with additional nutritional suppliments that are beneficial to your fish.

Hi jeffrey :)

I disagree. :nod: I feed my fish lots and lots of live blackworms and they thrive on them. :thumbs: I feed them tubifex too, when my lfs is out of blackworms and I've never had any problem.

I prefer to feed the live ones because I know they are clean and healthy looking. If they don't look good at the lfs, I won't buy them. :no: I don't like the frozen ones because they often smell bad and when they defrost, the blood runs out of the worms, which means good nutrition is being lost. Besides, I have no idea whether the frozen ones were alive or dead and rotting when they were frozen.

As far as bacteria goes, that is on all worms. If you live in the UK, they have a product called Myxazin that can be used to sterilize them before serving. Just rinse in a solution mixed at the rate of 2 drops per gallon for a few minutes. :D
Inchworm said:
Hi jeffrey :)

I disagree. :nod: I feed my fish lots and lots of live blackworms and they thrive on them. :thumbs: I feed them tubifex too, when my lfs is out of blackworms and I've never had any problem.

I prefer to feed the live ones because I know they are clean and healthy looking. If they don't look good at the lfs, I won't buy them. :no: I don't like the frozen ones because they often smell bad and when they defrost, the blood runs out of the worms, which means good nutrition is being lost. Besides, I have no idea whether the frozen ones were alive or dead and rotting when they were frozen.

As far as bacteria goes, that is on all worms. If you live in the UK, they have a product called Myxazin that can be used to sterilize them before serving. Just rinse in a solution mixed at the rate of 2 drops per gallon for a few minutes. :D


I live in Canada.
Can I raise my own blood worms or black worms? Havent seen black worms here...

something that would live in the tank and hide in the plants making the khuli hund would be good, cause lots of hte blood worms get eaten by the serpea tetras.

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