Live Sand


Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2010
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Is it really necessary for a Marine tank? I know it acts a PH buffer, but is it a necessity?
As it is rather expensive aswell!

Live Sand is different from Aragonite Sand. Live sand is pretty much a waste of money, as live rock will do the same thing that it will. Aragonite sand, however, is what you want. It's still expensive but definitely worth it. If you use regular "play sand" that is quartz based, not only will it not act as a buffer, but the quartz in the sand is sharp and could potentially harm sand dwelling things. There is also silicates in the play sand which is questionable.

My 2 cents :good:
So the Aragonite Sand will act as a PH Buffer to the tank! It's alot cheaper than Live Sand, I can get 20lb's of it for £6.65! Which is around 9KG, sounds good to me. Thanks alot Nemo!

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