Live Sand Or Ls


Fish Herder
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
There is some LS at my LFS but i think its been there for ages so is it still alive. I thought you could get tiny crabs and things? Wouldent they suffa-cate<----LOL i love the way i spell things
The 'live sand' that is bagged and sold - only contains the bacteria - and not critters.

Adding live sand from a established tank will add critters.
On the bag it says there are things (that arnt bacteria) like tiny crabs etc. also will the bacteria die??
Eventually MOST of the life in one of those "live sand" bags dies. Hence its a big marketing gimmick IMO. The only true live sand comes directly from an established reef aquarium and/or the bottom of the ocean. Sorry, but a bag with some water in it thats been sitting on the shelf at your LFS for 6 months isn't gonna have anything left alive in it and you pay just about double for that privelage :/

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