Cheers, i've found 30-40kg for £150 which i think is pretty good just need somewhere to put them.
What is the minimum amount of equipment i need to keep live rock 'live'?
I'm guessing heater, power heads, salt and ro water??
I kept mine in a bath in my hall in salted water with heater, powerheads for circulation and a skimmer and stuck my light unit over the bath for 3 weeks and had no die off, did no water changes and the water in the bath was still zero nitrate when I took the rock out and I kept all the corals alive. So yes you can store it in a container but 40kg of Live Rock is quite a bit. Will pm you another place for LR.
Just need powerhead/circulation pump a heater and salt water.
If the rock is going to be stored for a few days without any livestock it might be worth dropping in a couple of pieces of flake or a bit of prawn so the organisms in the LR can feed of the decomposition of the food.