Live Rock


Fish Fanatic
Jun 4, 2007
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Can you put too much in a live tank ? Or is there a limit to how much your tank can take. I have a 175 ltr tank would 30kg be ok but if I wanted to build my rock structure bigger could I use more live rocksay another 10/15kg

Thanks for any advice in advance Gaz 8) .
Well Gaz, there is only such a thing as too much LR if you also have a thing called too little flowrate ;). When you start getting much beyond the 1kg/10L ratio it may become difficult to stack your rocks in a position that still allows for flowrate around them and keeps deadspots to a minimum. This problem gets even worse if you have a tank that is significantly taller than it is wide. Tanks like my own 45g which is only 12" wide (front-back) but 24" tall are a real PITA to try and aquascape LR in. A tank like a 20 long which is 12" wide and 12" tall is significantly easier to stack rock in.

Bottom line, put at least 1kg/10L worth of rock, and go as high as you want as long as you can still provide good flowrate around the rocks and keep deadspots to a minimum :good:
Its a aqua one UFO700 corner tank so I was going to put a L shape on the back sides with a 3 to 4 inch gap around the back of the rock to let the water flow around it with a Koralia 2 circulation pump hid at the back of the rock and maybe a self rotating power haed at the top of the tank pointing slightly down. Hard to explain sort of :rolleyes:
Well Gaz, there is only such a thing as too much LR if you also have a thing called too little flowrate ;).

Not forgetting the problem that some fish like to actually have room to swim. Too much live rock is not a great thing for fish sopen water straight line swimmers like tangs.

It would leave a bit of space in the front but with a corner tank it isn,t really practical for fish that need space so I was going to go for smaller fish species that wont eat the corals that eventually go in the tank :thumbs:.

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