Live Rock

Normal, its probably your Corralline algae dying from contact with air, or from lower light than what its used to. It should come back. :good:
If it starts becoming epidemic, you might want to start worrying, but for now just monitor things. Whats your calcium, alkalkinity, and pH? its possible your chemistry is too far out of whack for coraline algae :)
If it starts becoming epidemic, you might want to start worrying, but for now just monitor things. Whats your calcium, alkalkinity, and pH? its possible your chemistry is too far out of whack for coraline algae :)
PH 8.0
KH 7.28dh
Calcium I have no clue right now
next test ill buy I figure :)
Pretty low kH, possibly has something to do with some calcerous algae dieoff. Most calcerous algaes like coraline flourish in alk ranges from 10-12 dKH and suffer at 8 dKH or less. Some are more intolerant of low kH than others. Either way, thats a pretty low KH so I'd have a read through Randy Holmes-Farley's two part additive system if your kH doesn't come back up in a few days. In the meantime, get yourself a calcium test kit :)

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