Live Rock


Fish Addict
Oct 11, 2006
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hey erm for my 65l i need 6.53kg of live rock my question is would it be okay to use 5kg and then 2 of base rock and hope it will seed. (ill also be using live aragonite sand) im just planning every single part of my tank so it should go smoothly
Well since its not a big tank the stocking will be quite small so i think the 5KG on its own will be fine. you could add the base rock and see if it will seed.

okey dokey arti chokey (lame saying i know but hey) and i spose if i want to increse the biload down the line i can always add some more pieces and coral in my lfs comes on live rock so that could help.
For a nano you only have a tiny amount of LR to do your filtration for you, IMO your rock should be 100% LR without base.

Your choice but i think base rock works better in larger tanks where there is a larger amount of LR to seed it and take care of the filtration at the same time :thumbs:
well ill see how generouse my mum and dad are at christams as im converting a topic to a marine so depends if they are open wallet.
lol god i hate going to my lfs as the people there always think im just some stupid kid who doesnt know anything. I hate when people undermine me. its fun when i drop in scientific names of fish as they usualy dont know what im talking about muahaha. and i also dislike how people think that kids dont know as much about this hobby as older people. Granted knowledge comes with expierience and we arent gonna know as much as someone who has been in the hobby for 50 years or somewhat but we can sure as hell show them narrow minded people. im glad that thers so many young people who get involved with this stuff too :) aanyway a bit of topic there but o well just had to release all that anger stored up :p
Don'y worry as soon as you start spending money in there they'll want to know you...

They used to be like that with me but after i started spending more money they spoke to me more and give me special discounts etc.
lol god i hate going to my lfs as the people there always think im just some stupid kid who doesnt know anything. I hate when people undermine me. its fun when i drop in scientific names of fish as they usualy dont know what im talking about muahaha. and i also dislike how people think that kids dont know as much about this hobby as older people. Granted knowledge comes with expierience and we arent gonna know as much as someone who has been in the hobby for 50 years or somewhat but we can sure as hell show them narrow minded people. im glad that thers so many young people who get involved with this stuff too aanyway a bit of topic there but o well just had to release all that anger stored up

Ahahahaha :hyper: Wow...I know exactly how you feel, i'm 16 yrs old and I go to 2 different fish stores and they act like i'm not even there. I feel you bro. :nod:

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