Live Rock


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2006
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hey i need to get some live rock for my 30 gl tank...and i was thinking about getting 25 pounds of live rock off e-bay becasue for me to get 25 pounds it's going to caust me about $250.00 and i can get it on e-bay for $86.00..but i was wondering has anyone doen this? if so the rock you got was it good??

also how much live rock do i need for a 30 gl tank?? is 25 pounds ennpuf or do i need more..
I assume since you're using $$ you're from the States with me. If so, where abouts? I might be able to point you to a local reef-club whose members may be selling it much cheaper in tank breakdowns, etc :)
hey thanks..but i'am form Newfoundland Canada..know anyone up here that selle it for cheeper then $10 a pound??
thanks for the sight..

i wish i could get it for that cheep!
hey MoonTang ( or anyone else who lives close) would you be interested in getting anouther 25 pounds of LR and then i would buy it off you!? you could send it cod throuhg the poast office (i would pay for every single charge!!) if you are willing to do that for me but are unformilure with cod tell men and i'll tell you everyhting about it!!??

ps: you will manke money off this..i'll give you and extra $10?? so pleas help me :)

pss: does it matter what kind of LR you get??

thnaks!! :D :D i really need live rock i can't even get it in Newfoundland right now..NON LEFT!! :-(

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