hey ever so slowly my rock has been dying basically (turning white) i dont know why, i have no nitries, ph should be fine and i turn of the skimmer when adding reef suplements(sp?) for ages. any ideas?
not enough light?
i mean im stil upgrading to bigger tank soon so if u could help me in ways of fixing the problem now, i cn also do it in the new tank.
oh btw, the rock i bought was from a work m8 who was closing down her tank, and she sold it at 5 pound a kilo bargin! but when i bought it it was proper nice grade, with loads of inverts on them, coraline and dark colours all over... and now it isnt...
not enough light?
i mean im stil upgrading to bigger tank soon so if u could help me in ways of fixing the problem now, i cn also do it in the new tank.
oh btw, the rock i bought was from a work m8 who was closing down her tank, and she sold it at 5 pound a kilo bargin! but when i bought it it was proper nice grade, with loads of inverts on them, coraline and dark colours all over... and now it isnt...