Live Rock


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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hey ever so slowly my rock has been dying basically (turning white) i dont know why, i have no nitries, ph should be fine and i turn of the skimmer when adding reef suplements(sp?) for ages. any ideas?
not enough light?

i mean im stil upgrading to bigger tank soon so if u could help me in ways of fixing the problem now, i cn also do it in the new tank.


oh btw, the rock i bought was from a work m8 who was closing down her tank, and she sold it at 5 pound a kilo :p bargin! but when i bought it it was proper nice grade, with loads of inverts on them, coraline and dark colours all over... and now it isnt... :S
nope, lets put it this way i think i did once but it was all ruined, i do put in calcium supplements every week to 2 weeks.
You may need more frequent additions of calcium. Some off the bleaching may also be due to change in lighting intensity which will correct itself over time.
I do put in calcium supplements every week to 2 weeks.
You may need more frequent additions of calcium. Some off the bleaching may also be due to change in lighting intensity which will correct itself over time.
Do you actually test the Calcium level in the tank? It sounds like you just blindly chuck Calcium additives in every now and then which is not advisable and could be a cuase of the problem, not a cure.
I was actually thinking the other way. If you are adding to much calcium it will prohibt the growth of the coraline algae and coat the surface of the rock.

This also is common whne people begin to use phos reactors without properly rinsing the media.

I think the most prudent thing to do is to test you calcium level. Honestly I don't see the loss of coraline growth as a bad thing, I consider it a nuissance algae, but if you like it.

It could also be the type of lights you have on your system. Coraline is a low light algae.

Just curious what do you mean by PH should be fine? Did you actually test it.
If you aint testing for calcium then IMO I would be adding calcium supplement :no: , the white spots on your rock could be white corraline algea :good:
ok, well im only running T8s atm. in new tank will upgrade to T6s, which incase u dunno they are same as t5s but fit in a t8 unit :) my m8s got them and he LR is just growing loads! and she kept anenomes on them :D.

but i need to get a test kit and put more calcium in yer? thanks
Like said above it could simply be Coraline algae on the rock. Ive seen it go purple but also encrust white and then start to turn purple. That would be good.

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