Live Rock Viability


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Reaction score
i got 5k of lr a few days ago and am still to see anything from it how long would i nnormally expect to wait im not talking about big hitchhikers i understand you may not get any i mean things like pods and stuff all that is on it is coraline algae

It can take months for them to come up however things like Tube worms, mini starfish, bristle worms etc. can come out in a couple of days. Polyps may take a couple of weeks to come out. Just keep looking very carefully. If you have good eyesight then also try to look in actinic light as there is a higher chance they will come out then.

I also noticed that feeding the tank with shelless brineshrimp eggs for a couple of days encouraged more growth. These eggs hatch in a couple of days in brine shrimp nauplii that help feed many critters.

thank you i was worried i had spent 50 pound on dead rock

Been there :D I was almost about to report to the DTI about it coz mine was worth £160 :crazy: But I kept patience and tested the water every day and since I got some nitrite but no ammonia, I gathered things were moving on. Eventually Nitrite also vanished in 3-4 days and rock started to get some life on it. Sponges etc. and a couple of polyps and tube worms and Asterina starfish and a couple of aiptasia. Also look in holes and caves as you may find various types of worms sticking on the enterences.

I was in the same boat as yourself, thinking that I was a leper in respect that I had no hitch hikers on or around my liverock. Then once my readings for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrates were zero, it was then I began to notice some small fanworms and small pods darting about. So be patient, you will surely get something. They may be big and bold and easily seen or like me, you will have to take a closer look.
dont worry, its been since last june and i have just noticed a feather duster that has started to grow near the back of my rock structure about a week ago, some things just take time
Heh, yeah I too am starting to get mini feather dusters even still 2 years later :)

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