Live Rock Turning Blue?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 3, 2008
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Having a good look at my LR and noticed that a bit of it is turning blue, purple colour. Is there anything I should be worried about?
Is it encrusting the rock or growing away from it?

It sounds like coraline algae, but I haven't heard of blue before. Likely not a problem. :good:
It is encrusting on the rock and done some reading up on it, definitely sounds like coralline algae. Colour is either blue or a more purple, either way its supposed to be good ?
Yep, it's good, a sign your tank is becoming more mature.

Just feel lucky your algae is a nice color, and not poo brown like some unfortunate people get. :lol:
Yup, make sure you keep an eye on your alkalinity and calcium :). As the coraline grows, it uses both to make it's skeleton
Ok, :rolleyes:

so now i need to invest in another 2 test kits ?

alkalinity and calcium

Will this pleasure never end :good: hehehe
Now it seems the very top layer of LR is turning a very bright white. Not sure if its to do with the lighting or calcium levels in the tank (not yet tested for calcium). Having read up on white or bleaching of the LR, i take it that it can either be a poor lighting algea, or its just the coraline turning white?

What would be the best option for me to check, obviously getting a calcium test kit is the starting point, hopefully be able to get one at the weekend. Is there anything seriously worrying I should be thinking of?
It's the coraline algae bleaching. Common reasons include:

Low Alkalinity (<8dKH)
Phosphate (>0.03ppm)
Low Calcium (<350ppm)
Ammonia (any)
Poor Flowrate (diminshed flow through clogged pump inlets)
High Specific Gravity (>1.028sg or >36ppt... Make sure you verify your measuring device here)
Low Specific Gravity (see above, but it has to be really low.)
Predation (rare, but possible that you have a snail, nudibranch, or nearby coral attacking it)
Lighting (dirty reflectors, dirty bulbs, old burnt out bulbs, a new type of bulb, etc...)
Now this is wierd !!!!

The LR that was covered in white coraline is now turning a lovely purple again. I aint touched anything, honestly !!!

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