Live Rock This Weekend!


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
Just found out the shop I'm getting my live rock from has a sale on! Down from £10.50 a kilo to £7.50 :hyper:
What is the most the live rock should spend out of either the holding tank at the shop, to being added to my tank?

It's fully cured.
OK, the first post didn't make THAT much sense...


The question:

How long can the rock be out of the water, having bought it at the fish shop, before I put it in my tank?

Ok, live rock will survive for a good 24 hours out of water but the longer it is dry the more die off you get. It may be an idea to take an old salt bucket or some other containers and try and get some water off the LFS to transport it in if you live further than a couple of hours away.
I live about 10 minutes away by car, but will need a bit of time to get the sand in the tank as I'm buying it at the same time.

Thanks for the info!
ten minutes away you should have no problems. Just get it back ASAP and you shouldn't have any die off if its fully cured already.

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