Live Rock Storage ?


New Member
May 24, 2006
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is it possable to store live rock, iv been to the LFS today got some rock and iv a bit left over, is it poss to put the rock in RO + Salt water (no lights except daylight and still water) so it will not "die" or could i just store it dry and cycle it when i need it ???

best bet is to store it dry and then add it later if needed. The other rock will seed it back up and it will be fine (other than the wasted money spent). You can also store it wet but you need to keep it at temp and keep good water flow on it. This means adding a powerhead and heater in the container with the rock. Also you will have to top it off just like the tank as the water evaporates out. This is good for keeping it short term, but long term its usually not a good option.
nice one :) , gonna dry store it and maybe use it once iv got my main tank converted over to salt but thats another story !!!

I kept 25kg of LR in a Poly Box (30G Uk) heated & Aerated for about 6 weeks
Ideally you will want to have a source of ammonia to keep the bacteria and life on the rock going.

Letting it dry out would be a real waste.

If you keep it cured then you should suffer no adverse effects it is added to the tank (such as die off).

Try and keep it submerged in salt water (even in a bucket) with some aeration or water movement.
I'd go with what everyone else is saying.... You could probably get a couple of big containers from your local HomeBase or garden centre in which to cure it. Use a couple of lamps or desklights, or if you have a conservatory put it in there and it will still get plenty of light to keep the algae and other light dependent life from dying off completely.


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