Live Rock Stacking?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2006
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hey guys i just got all my my live rock i have a 30 gl tank, and about 30.8 pounds of live rock..i have it all in the tank but i was just wondering is there a better way to put your live rock or is it prity much what ever way you want it?? :unsure:

1. stack the rock all across the tank (i have this done)
2. stack all of the rock and one side and leve the other with none
3. stack the rock on both sides, but non in the middle?

also should you stack your rocks high?

this is what i have done? :unsure:

also if you wouldn't mind posting tank shots/ shots that show how you have you LR put out(or stacked) to give me some more ideas
What you have is great and if you like it, I'd encourage you to keep it. You can go with the one side approach, or the corners approach, its really just a matter of preference. There are 3 big keys with aquascaping:

- Base rocks should be on the glass to prevent settling and toppling of the stack over time
- Avoid stacking rocks too densely as this leads to dead spots in flow
- snugly balance rocks or superglue-gel them if necessary to maintain a proper shape. If it teeters, use the gel ;)

Edit: go ahead and visit the members tank sticky in the chit-chat section :). I break rule number 2 out of necessity since my tank is so thin front to back :(
What you have is great and if you like it, I'd encourage you to keep it. You can go with the one side approach, or the corners approach, its really just a matter of preference. There are 3 big keys with aquascaping:

- Base rocks should be on the glass to prevent settling and toppling of the stack over time
- Avoid stacking rocks too densely as this leads to dead spots in flow
- snugly balance rocks or superglue-gel them if necessary to maintain a proper shape. If it teeters, use the gel ;)

Edit: go ahead and visit the members tank sticky in the chit-chat section :). I break rule number 2 out of necessity since my tank is so thin front to back :(


I did more on the sides approach and my nitrates will not go back down now (sticks at 20PPM), what you have is good lots of potential to create better water movement. I think I will eventually need to place a few powerheads behind the rocks to get the water moving back there to get rid of the issue. Here is a pic of mine...


Here is a picture I took a few days ago that is a work of art I call Xenia Escape From Extinction! The pic came out so well I just had to post it here! ;)
Nooks crannies, and passageways are the key.

In the future, shrimps and and crabs and many species of fish prefer to spend most of their time in your rockwork.

Simply try to remember that you are building a home, not a wall.

Although my tank does have deadspots (which bug me big time) they way ive done it is having caves on either side, and when i say a cave like a 3 way one as if there was a fight they can escape also makes it look more interesting. But be ware having a empty middle isnt always a good idea as the amount on cleaning you have to do on the back can be annoying!
So ive got 10 kilos of LR cummin tuesday to hide it all but give me more room to put corals in.

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