Live Rock Questions


Fish Fanatic
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
Surrey, UK

As a marine newbie, I've got a couple of questions about live rock.

I noticed in a pinned thread that you can't order live rock online - I'm assuming this is true, but has anyone found anywhere that ships live rock properly at all? Or is it just a big waste of time and money and impossible to do?

What's the best way to get live rock home?

Sorry for the probably stupid questions :blush:


where abouts in Surrey do you live?

if you're close to wallington there's a fantastic marine shop there, or failing that, STM (sevenoaks tropical marine) sell alot of delivered live rock
I'm the other side of Surrey, near the Hampshire border.

There're quite a few live rock suppliers online, but reading on here suggest they're a waste of time as it's no longer live when you receive it :(
thats actually true for all of us... in a sense.... because online dealers will ship the rock in wet paper and bagged to keep it moist. yes the is die off but given time it will become "live again" you just put it through the curing process (in buckets with water pumps and a heater. it should be safe for your aquarium once the ammonia and nitrite return to zero... anyways it is... alive.... just not quite what it was when they brought it of the ocean. has lots of resources and they too sell live rock... check it out.

Try, they cure all there rock in tons at a time. I got all my rock from there which was delivered next day and it was all fine. I think alot of other online shops may purchase their own rock from here as well and this may be why some is not as live as others.
They are quite reasonable on price as well.
I used as well. Lovely rock and after 2 weeks it has gone mad. Snails, tiny starfish etc are appearing on a daily basis- could watch it for hours.

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