Live Rock Critter


Fish Crazy
May 16, 2004
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new york
I got about 3 lbs of live rock for my 10 gallon tank. I've had it in there and I've noticed some critters running around which is really cool. I am also fortunate to have some coral on it too :) though I am unsure at this time which it is since it is so small.

The reason for the post is that there is a white thing which kinda looks like a starfish hanging on the glass. It has 5 small thin legs ? and a round body in the middle. I would try to get a pic but my camera is not working. The legs move and twist also. Does anyone have any idea of what this is?
Sounds like a brittlestar. the small white ones will multiply quickly and are great for scavenging.
YEP, brittle stars. My little white ones have grown into bigger black, green, and white ones. They are all over the place, and do a great job of cleaning the tank.
Wow, didn't know they could change colors. I think I have 2 of them so far. They blend in with the white sand. I alos found 2 worm like things. Half of it was an orange color and the other half was black. It's definatly interesting to see, I sat infront of the tank all day looking for other things to come out. :D
Those brittlestars are great. I know a guy with so many of them in his tank. Says they dont disturb a thing.
If you have found two, you have another 50 you have not seen yet. The worms sound like bristle worms. A six line wrasse with take care of the worms. Arrow crabs will also eat the worms, but the grow rapidly and can take down fish when they get larger.
I was looking at the wrasse but I think it would be too big for the tank.
a 6 line should be ok but dont get it confused with a silty wrase as shops sell these as 6 lines or pyjamas also and they grow much larger

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