I bought live rock a couple of weeks ago. Now I've got this White thing that's moving that's come from a hole in the live rock.
I've tried photographing buts it's to small nd I dnt have a brilliant camara!
I'd describe it as White, about an inch diameter, circular but flat, looks furry, and has little tenticle like arms all around it which lean up and look like it's picking stuff frm the water and putting stuff in the middle of it's body. It moves from rock to rock, and if touched it hids.
Any ideas, as I say sorry no photo's.
I bought live rock a couple of weeks ago. Now I've got this White thing that's moving that's come from a hole in the live rock.
I've tried photographing buts it's to small nd I dnt have a brilliant camara!
I'd describe it as White, about an inch diameter, circular but flat, looks furry, and has little tenticle like arms all around it which lean up and look like it's picking stuff frm the water and putting stuff in the middle of it's body. It moves from rock to rock, and if touched it hids.
Any ideas, as I say sorry no photo's.