Apart from the regular cleaners, I'm looking at a pair of Pink Skunk clowns, Purple firefish, and a Carpenters Flasher wrasse. As for corals i'm undecided, however i do like a lot of the Zoas. Once the tank is nice and mature i'd like to add some nice Anenome.
Looks a promising start and a good stocking plan I'll give that Superfish heater about 3 months before it cooks it Seriously, I was going through those at a rate of one a month on my Discus set-up for about 6 months before switching brands, they are seriously un-reliable IME Fluval Tronics, Hagen Elite, Tetratec and Visitherm are all good internal heaters IME, with Visitherm being my "brand of choice"
I'd lay off the Zoas untill the Nem is in if you are having one. If they are unhappy, Nems will wander the tank stinging everything in their path untill they either die or find a spot they like. This means a lot of killed Zoas after first letting the upset Nem loose into the tank Other than that, a very good start
Looks good bronzecat. I'll second the Visitherm reccomendation and add one suggestion. Even "good" heaters like visitherm can fail, and when a heater does fail, usually it destroys the whole tank with it. As such, I reccomend buying a new heater every 2-3 years and re-selling your old one. Much safer practice