Live Plants


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
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Hi can anyone give me some good ideas on live plants for my fish tank have been told the fish like to nibble them Any help welcome :drool:
Post in the Plants and planted tanks section.

What sort of set up do you have? Are you willing to spend a bit of money to help the plants grow?

Look at the pinned topics in the above link and you'll get a general jist of where to start with a planted tank.

What kind of fish, are they goldfish? Most will eat live plants in a very short space of time.
Is your tank cold or heated as well?
What kind of fish, are they goldfish? Most will eat live plants in a very short space of time.
Is your tank cold or heated as well?
Hi my tank is cold constant temp of 23-24 degrees c. i have a black moor, a ryukin and a calico think thats

Post in the Plants and planted tanks section.

What sort of set up do you have? Are you willing to spend a bit of money to help the plants grow?

Look at the pinned topics in the above link and you'll get a general jist of where to start with a planted tank.

HI i have a 20g tank with a fluval 2+ filter got 3 fish in there a black moor ryukin and calico

Java fern and sword plants may do ok if the temp doesnt fall. Goldies love to eat anything thats feathery or with small leaves. Broader leaved plants do better but nothing is immune and pretty much everything will be uprooted.
You might find plastic or silk better to use.

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