Live Plants

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Aug 23, 2005
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Hi, does anyone use live plants in there reef tanks? Is it good or bad idea?

There ARE plants that you can put in your tank but, you must be very careful about what you decide to put in. The plants are called macroalgae. If not careful, some can take over the live rock with rhizomes and can be very difficult to remove. On the other hand, these 'plants' can help with 'nutrient export' by taking in nitrates and organics and can maintain good water condtions. SH
i thought these were just another type of algea. but then some algeas are considered plants and some bacteria. ooops :*) . anyway if they are kept in check are they realy that helpfull? where can i get them onine(im in the us) if my lfs dont carry them....sorry for asking this in someone elses topic
Mangroves are about the only ones that are technically plants I think, but there are certainly a variety of macroalgaes that can be used in some tanks.
They don't tend to be very popular in reef tanks (although very popular in sumps/refugiums for reef tanks) because they tend to take over and spread everywhere, but in fish only tanks, they certainly add impact and movement to the display.

I would love to set up a seagrass tank, but it is difficult to get hold of in the uk.
Where abouts are you located?

I would suggest hunting around for a near by or same country salt water aquarium society, and asking around for some free macro. Many ppl would gladly give you some macro out of their sump to get you started!

As stated above, its a great idea! :thumbs:

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