Live Plants? Yay Or Nay?


New Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Chicago, Illinois
What are the pros and cons with plants? Do you guys have any? Do you prefer them??? What's your outlook on that stuff???
I myself do prefer live plants but i really need them because i breed my livebearers so need to save the babies.

I prefer live plants myself. I like the more natural look they give and I also think that they make the tank more stable too personally.
Also the fish love them. :good:
If you're after breeding fish then you really need live plants for a lot of species.
But I do know a couple of fishkeepers who have real problems keeping them alive.
I think the trick is to keep trying if you want live plants, and find a type that works in your' tank.
i have both in mine wish pest snails didnt come with them and then eat them lol easily sorted though
Its sometimes down to personal choice, there are situations where you need them to provide cover and shelter for the fish other times highly herbivorus fish eat them so you cant keep them long enough. Live plants are no problem in my experience Ive found a few species that will grow what ever is provided there are a lot of easy plants and they are cheaper and nicer (IMO) than plastic as well.

Have a search of Takeshi Amano and see if your still on the fence about plants ;) haha
i went for a planted tank because they take in nitrates ammonia and other fish waste plus they look really good
i have both in mine wish pest snails didnt come with them and then eat them lol easily sorted though

We have just noticed these pest snails in our tank, how do you deal with them? We have a fair few and they ruin the overall look of the tank.
i have both in mine wish pest snails didnt come with them and then eat them lol easily sorted though

We have just noticed these pest snails in our tank, how do you deal with them? We have a fair few and they ruin the overall look of the tank.

Ive read alot of places that clown loaches love to eat them. Says in a magazine "And if you ever get snail problems in your planted tank, well just chuck in some clown loaches, they love eating snails!"....... "just chuck some clown loaches in" eh........ well...WELL NOT ALL OF US ARE RICH!..... Anyway. If you have a good 50 bux or whatever to spend on clown loaches, just chuck some of em in! :lol:
i have both in mine wish pest snails didnt come with them and then eat them lol easily sorted though

We have just noticed these pest snails in our tank, how do you deal with them? We have a fair few and they ruin the overall look of the tank.

Ive read alot of places that clown loaches love to eat them. Says in a magazine "And if you ever get snail problems in your planted tank, well just chuck in some clown loaches, they love eating snails!"....... "just chuck some clown loaches in" eh........ well...WELL NOT ALL OF US ARE RICH!..... Anyway. If you have a good 50 bux or whatever to spend on clown loaches, just chuck some of em in! :lol:

A friend actually told me the same thing today, looks like I might be making a trip to get some lol.
I've gone for live plants for a combination of the above reasons, they are good for the chemical balance but also they look better, more natural (obviously).

With regard to the snails I have found that they are directly proportionate to the amount you (over)feed your fish. I overfed for ages but now I have found the correct level to feed at, and although I get the odd trumpet snail it is the odd one or two rather than 10 or 12.
i have both in mine wish pest snails didnt come with them and then eat them lol easily sorted though

We have just noticed these pest snails in our tank, how do you deal with them? We have a fair few and they ruin the overall look of the tank.

Assassin Snail should sort them out i got mine of ebay and there the only snails in my tank now
Be careful stocking clown loaches for snail control. An adult clown loach is a very large fish for most of our tanks. You would want at least 50 gallons before stocking more than one of them, although they like to be in groups.

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