Live Plants In Biube


New Member
Dec 19, 2010
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Hi again. I was thinking of having live plants in the biube pure after hearing they are very good for cycling and provide natural cover and a tasty snack for some fish. The problem is that the substrate is marble sized (literally) and most plants need finer substrate. I cannot remove the media and use a different substrate as the biube is designed to filter and work with this special substrate. Please comment on what plants if any are good for the biube as I would love to have live plants and they would be better for the fish. Thanks again.
Hi again. I was thinking of having live plants in the biube pure after hearing they are very good for cycling and provide natural cover and a tasty snack for some fish. The problem is that the substrate is marble sized (literally) and most plants need finer substrate. I cannot remove the media and use a different substrate as the biube is designed to filter and work with this special substrate. Please comment on what plants if any are good for the biube as I would love to have live plants and they would be better for the fish. Thanks again.

hi, i dont know much about your tank, but have you thought about floating plants or plants that can attach their roots to bogwood (Java moss, Java fern, Anubias, amazon sword)?

to attached them to the wood, people use a dark cotton which slowly decomposes and after a few weeks the roots should be attached strong enough to the wood.

or maybe some kind of potted plant wedged within top layer of marbles?

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