Live Foods


Fish Crazy
Sep 10, 2009
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Calgary AB Canada
Ok so as im sure everyone knows any site you get info from that tells you what to feed fish recommends a variety of dried, frozen and live foods for pretty much any fish other than herbivorous. So im wondering what all you people think about live foods and what you would recommend... obviously live brines shrimp are not necessarily the best nutritional wise although the fresh hatched ones are supposed to be better... but other than that I am at a loss for what to use a live foods and where to possibly get things... the only other live food idea i've thought of is Guppy Fry.... they will live and breed in SW but then I'd have to have guppies in my house.... anyway.. just throwing it out there to see what the response is.
I use live Brineshrimp and Naupilii (baby brineshrimp), live Copepods, live Mysis and live Phytoplankton.
we sell live copepods at my work and the fish and corals like them but theyre expensive unless u get a culture going.

ps: if u feed phyto to live brine, they are nutritious!
If you have a sump or HOB refugium then you would have plenty of pods to substitute live food ( depending on your live stock) so its not really needed I feed frozen occasionally and flake which seems to be a good enough variety for my tank :D
freshwater fish shouldn't be used to feed saltwater fish. The nutritional content isn't what it needs to be. Especially the fat.

I use frozen food, pellets and a homemade blend. A variation is the key. Even for carnivores. What do most carnivores eat? Smaller fish or inverts etc and those smaller fish either eat plant matter or eat small organisms that eat plant matter. So carnies do eat plant matter even in the wild. It's just in a round about way.

Right now I have

PE mysis
Nutramar Ova
Rogger's frozen stuff - green bag
the homemade blend, which is a crap load of stuff
NLS pellets
Formula 1 pellets

I also feed my corals the smaller of the frozen stuff. Things are growing well.

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