Live Food for Bettas


New Member
Apr 24, 2003
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England, UK
My Betta loves live food but I have been reading that I shouldnt give him bloodworms.

Once a week I give my community tank some frozen bloodworms, would it be alright just to give them as an occassional treat? -_-

He also likes dried tubiflex worms, he likes to attack the cube but I have read that this is bad for him as well.

Can anyone give me advice on this? :thumbs:
My betta (in fact my whole tank) gets frozen bloodworms twice a week, and he seems to get on fine with it. They are fattening but as long as it isn't too often, they go down a treat

If you really want something that he will eat and in fact fight the other fish for (nothing damaging, just a butt of the nose) you can get brine shrimp in jelly. Sounds weird. It is kinda like a paste which you squeeze from a packet, like a small ketchup packet you get in service station canteens. Tear the top of the packet off, hold the open end under water and squeeze near the betta. He or she will wolf it down

It is made by Tetra who make loads of other fish food and is about £3.00 for 16 packets and one packet will feed a whole tank of fish. A box usually lasts me for about 3-4 months.
I like the sound of brine shrimp in jelly, I will keep my eyes peeled for it

thanks :D :D :D
They're called Tetra Fresh Delica Brine Shrimp and come in an orange box. If you have a Pets at Home store nearby, they sell them, thats where I go for my frozen and specialist foods :thumbs:
Bloodworms are fine to feed once a week. Bloodworms live (thrive) in waters with heavy metals (like mercury) and many fish and people (so wash your hands after handling) will develop an allergic reaction to them if you feed too often. They aren't necessarily fattening (white worms are supposed to be fattening). Tubifex worms live in sewage outlet areas so they often carry bacteria, that's why many of us don't feed any form of tubifex ever.
You know, I used to feed my betta (previous one) bloodworms, and I actually found out that some of them can be contaminated. I don't know if this is 100% true or not, but the girl who worked at the shop where I bought them said that they scrape the bloodworms off water/sewer type pipes :sick: yuk!
The last two bettas I had got totally fussy and would only eat bloodworms... but then again I've heard from other people that bloodworms are great. So I honestly don't know :( sorry!

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