live bearers/ egg layers


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
can u put live bearers/ egg layers in the same tank? will there be any problems? : blink: :blink: :blink: :fish: :fish: :fish:
depends on which livebearers and which egglayers.

for example:
platys and danios -- OK!
guppies and a betta -- Maybe Yes, Maybe No
mollies and oscars -- Bad Plan!
That is kind of a hard question to asnwer cuz livebears generally like hard water while egglayers like soft water. But i guess it would be ok to have these fish together such as guppys and tetras or mollies and tetras. You should stay at a neutral pH im sure your livebeares would be fine at this pH as well as your egglayers. One thing u should try to avoid doing is adding salt to your water for your livebearers. Unless you have to.. Tetras are quite sensitive to salt. Good luck!
ok, cause this is what i have had in the past:

tetra with: guppies and mollies. can someone give me a pretty big sized list of fish that can go in the same tank with a tetra (s) and so they won't kill each other? :blink: i want a complete list, like, um, fish u can get at petsmart.
Well first you will have to tell us what sized tank you have/how many gallons it holds, what fish you have currently living in it and how many. Tetras are a very varied group of fish too and there are many different types so you will also have to name what type of tetra you have if you have any yet in it too.
well, sometime within the next three days, i'm getting a 20 or 29 gallon tank.

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