White Whale
Granola bar gone bad....
So far I've been hit with fungus on 3 of my bettas since December, I've lost two to fungus. The ones I've lost were set in the same conditions as everyone else. They were active and eating for a while. Then the first sign happened - they were disinterested in eating. I feed them every other day to keep them a bit hungry and the water clean for as long as I can. Water changes are done 100% twice weekly. I thought it was just excitement being around other bettas. Then the next feeding, they didn't respond to stimuli outside the tank. Show them food and they wouldn't budge, they would just lie there. I thought it was post-flaring boredom. So I treated them with a bit of BettaMax. Next day fungus showed up. Another water change and Super Sulfa was added. Needless to say, both of the times this has happened, none of the medications worked and each has dies within 2 days - except for Merlot back in January and he's chipper as a terrier today. Each betta, save for the ones in the Azoo tanks, are kept in near-identical conditions. None of the others seem affected, and the ones in close proximity to the ones that died of fungus showed no ill effects.
Anyone have any educated responses why fungus would affect a couple of bettas but not the rest?
Now I have a 4th case of listlessness and disinterest in eating - right after a water/container change into a cleaned-out Azoo tank #4. I am using MethyBlu right now, but I don't like the way things look. The other betta seemed fine in there and I removed him to an isolation container to repair his torn fins. Tank #4 smelled like sulfur or rotten eggs. I did a 50% water change and it seemed to have cleared the smell. Now he's just floating below the waterline under the filter with his head between the tube and the wall. Can anyone who has experienced this before tell me what's happening?
Anyone have any educated responses why fungus would affect a couple of bettas but not the rest?
Now I have a 4th case of listlessness and disinterest in eating - right after a water/container change into a cleaned-out Azoo tank #4. I am using MethyBlu right now, but I don't like the way things look. The other betta seemed fine in there and I removed him to an isolation container to repair his torn fins. Tank #4 smelled like sulfur or rotten eggs. I did a 50% water change and it seemed to have cleared the smell. Now he's just floating below the waterline under the filter with his head between the tube and the wall. Can anyone who has experienced this before tell me what's happening?