Littleimps Planted Tank


Sep 21, 2005
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Tank – 510l, 375l after displacement, 182x61x46cm. Home made pine stand.

Filtration – Type-2 x Fluval 404, media used – Coarse & fine sponges, filter wool, fluval media

Lighting – Aqua-medic plant---54w T5 x 6, full spectrum

CO2 – 2kg welding bottle, deltec gauges & 2 x azoo difffusers – 15-25ppm

Substrate – 60kg of homebase playsand, 4.5kg laterite mixed into 50% of bottom, approx 2” depth. Cable heater installed

Fertilisation – EI method, 5ppm nitrate & 1ppm on days 1, 3 & 5. 50:50 mix Dry ferts & magnesium sulphate on days 2,4 & 6
Water chemistry – pH 7, KH 6-7 approx, GH, NO3 5-10, PO4 1-2, temperature 27c

Maintenance – Water change with bottom vac & plant trim/bin 75l weekly. Filter clean & wool replace monthly.

Fish – 3 x otto, 3 x clown loach, 3 x panda cory, 3 x cory juli, 1 x rtb shark, 6 x algae shrimp, 12 x tiger barb, 6 x cardinal tetra, 5 x platy, 1 x clown plec, 7 x guppy, 2 x dwarf gourami. Not planning to add anymore species of fish but will be adding to the numbers.

Plants – Don’t have a bleedin’ clue!!! Bought as a 72” tank pack mail order

Decor – 2 x large clumps irish bogwood, 1 x large mopani, few scatter stones.

Additional comments – First go at a planted tank & very happy with results, had no algae problems as of yet. I think the sand was a good choice as bottom dwelling fish love digging around in it.




Doh, wrong section!!

If a mod sees this can they please move it to the members planted tank thread??
Great tank, how long has the tank been set up ?

Water started going in Nov 30th, the pics were taken about 2weeks ago. As an example the cabomba on the left is completely overgrown & looks a real mess at the moment. Most stem plants are growing at around 4-6" a week and just about all of the plants you see in the background in all pics are growing out of the water.

You can read all about it here.

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