Little white worms


Fish Fanatic
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
Temple City, CA, U.S.A.
0 ammonia
0 nitrites
<10 ppm nitrates
3 labs, 2 lombardoi

over the last month, tiny (~1mm) white worms have infested my tank. no doubt they came from petco with my last purchase (despite a 10 day quarantine), but as it is, does anyone have any advice on how to exterminate them? my girls have been "scratching" themselves, so I know they're irritated. thanks all!
the little white worms are planaria and come from overfeeding the fish. food that lays on the bottom of the tank.

the africans that i have scratch themselves. could also be skin parasites. the planaria are harmless to the fish. the skin parasites they may have brought from the lfs, but doubt that is where the planaria come from.

should treat with a parasite med.
I have these in my fry tank- wow are they gross...but, that makes total sense from the feeding...I can't use parasite meds on my fry tank, can I? I'd be very affraid something would happen...but if they're harmless, should I just leave well enough alone...
I'm so glad someone wrote about these...they've been really creeping me out...

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